US judge blocks construction of Keystone oil pipeline

construction news novemberA federal US judge has blocked construction of the controversial Keystone XL oil pipeline, connecting Canada’s oil sands to US refineries, saying that the US government had not completed a full environmental analysis.

The project, which became a target of campaigners and was rejected by Barack Obama’s administration after years of deliberations about whether to proceed, was approved by President Donald Trump.

Thursday’s ruling is a victory for environmental and indigenous rights groups who have campaigned against crude extraction from oil sands because of its impact on local landscapes and greenhouse gas emissions.

Full the full article from FT, read on here.

Ramallah construction boom threatens city’s architectural heritage

construction news novemberWalk down the streets of Ramallah on any given weekday, and the call to prayer from the city’s mosques is likely to be drowned out by the sound of construction, while dust from newly dug foundations always seems to find its way into homes.

The de-facto capital of Palestine – situated an hour north of Jerusalem – is experiencing a construction boom bigger than in any other city in the West Bank.

Full The Guardian’s full article, please click here.

What is knitted concrete? Using 3d knitted shells for construction

tool hire news novemberResearch has shown that using 3d knitted concrete shells in architecture can save on construction time and materials.

The prototype KnitCandela is the first application of knitted concrete on an architectural scale, and uses a 3d knitted shell. The prototype was exhibited in Mexico City, having been brought there inside two suitcases as normal checked baggage.

Want to know more? Click here to read on.

New guide seeks to reduce costly construction design flaws

construction news novemberDesign deficiencies leading to errors in UK construction are costing the industry billions of pounds a year and must be addressed, a new design guide has suggested.

For the full article, click here.